[TowerTalk] sloper : grounded coax

Federico Zanini IK3UMT ik3umt at ir3ip.net
Sun Dec 4 18:32:21 EST 2005

Hi All
Just a question :
I own a 40-80-160 alpha-delta DX-A double half sloper (coax braid connected
to the top of tower).
It works fine but i note some rfi problem as coax braid offer a good path to
RF into my shack (a coax choke was made at feedpoint).
Tower is grounded, so, is it useful to connect coax braid to tower on lowest
possible point in order to offer an alternative "low resistance" path to rf
current flowing down ????
How much useful a device like radioworks "line insulator" is for my problem
Thank you very much.
73 de federico ik3umt

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