[TowerTalk] "a better antenna positioner controller"

Jim Lux jimlux at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 30 16:23:35 EST 2005

I'm fooling around with an idea for how to tell your antenna system where 
you want to point (or not point), and I'm looking for a simple tool that 
lets me display a background image (i.e. a world map or mapped sky image), 
and then draw circles, dots, or rectangles on it, and spits out a list of 
what's been drawn.  It should let you specify the color of the object you 
draw, but it only needs a palette of a few colors.  The idea is to be able 
to tell the system where you want to "talk to" and where you want to "null 
out" in a graphical way.

I started to write something in VB to do this, but it occurred that 
someone, somewhere has probably done this already, so why should I reinvent 
the wheel.

It would be nice if it were reasonably interactive (in that adding or 
removing a new "zone" should occur in seconds).  Nothing sophisticated 
(sort of like the drawing tools in power point,word,excel would be good 
enough, except that getting the data in and out of ppt would be a nightmare)

Free is nice, but paying for it is ok too, as long as it does what's needed.


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