[TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 26, Issue 62

joegps joegps at snet.net
Fri Feb 18 09:11:43 EST 2005

--- towertalk-request at contesting.com wrote:

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> > > http://www.tashtowers.com/,is part of the
> > cold
> > galvanism compound, either spray or brush on.
> > 
> > Joe K1NCO

> Message: 7
> Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 15:58:44 -0800
> From: "Jim & Velma Woods" <woods at grantspass.com>
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Need Information on old Tri-Ex
> Tower
> To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
> Message-ID:
> <003501c5154c$a0c797a0$e43e1c40 at HomeComputer>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"
> I have just purchased an old Tri-Ex tower and am
> interested in info.  It is a Model 354 and is a
> crank-up with 3 sections and a total height of about
> 54 feet.  I would like to know what Tri-Ex
> recommended for a concrete base and rebar cage. 
> This tower is designed for guying but does appear to
> have a tilt-over base.  I am planning on installing
> a small tribander on the tower.  
> Also, the tower has been painted several times and
> is chipping paint flakes.  Would like to strip and
> repaint.  What paint would work best?  There appears
> to be galvanizing but there is some rust, although
> not severe.  It will take time but as it is extended
> on the ground, this seems like the best opportunity
> to paint it.
> Thanks very much for your assistance.
> Jim Woods, W7PUP
> woods at grantspass.com 
> Grants Pass, Oregon

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