[TowerTalk] Galvanizing ChromeMoly?

doc kd4e at verizon.net
Tue Jan 4 22:51:36 EST 2005

sabrams at nycap.rr.com wrote:
> If you spray it in place you will never get the mast out of the 
> bearing.  I have a 3" mast that I spray painted and it would not fit 
> onto my precision 3" bearing.  I had to take the bearing to a machine 
> shop and have it turned out a couple of thousandths to get the mast in.  
> GL  73  Saul  K2XA
> P.S.  Spraying the mast won't protect the inside of the mast.  No big 
> deal, but you will get rust stains below it.

OK re. watching out for tower bearing tolerances -- I first
have to drive the bent pipe out, will then check the
clearances!  I am guessing it may now have a little more
play in it than before!

Since freezing is not an issue can I not cap the top and bottom
of the mast, removing the internal rust concern?

(It will be on a tiltover so no problem removing an end cap
if/when the mast needs to be moved.)

Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e
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