[TowerTalk] Omni Directional Antenna on Tower

Don Havlicek n8de at thepoint.net
Wed Jan 5 14:41:16 EST 2005

I'd go for #2, with a small coax loop at the top of the tower, much as 
you have for the yagis.
Rotating the colinear isn't bad, as you will gain HHAT over 
side-mounting it [with no 'tower-shadow' loss].
As for lightning .. use the same method that you now do for the yagis.
Good luck!

K5XS at aol.com wrote:
> I am putting up a small (50') dedicated VHF/UHF tower to "declutter" my main 
> (HF) tower.
> I operate a UHF repeater from my QTH, and am considering putting an 
> omnidirectional (colinear) antenna on the tower for the repeater to take advantage of 
> the added height over the present antenna location.
> Two configurations occur to me:
> 1)  Putting the repeater's omni antenna on the side of the tower with a 
> cross-arm.  I would need to install a cross-arm and would have a little shadowing 
> from the tower.
> 2)  Putting the omni antenna on the very top of the mast.  Naturally, the 
> antenna would rotate whenever I rotated the 6-meter and 2-meter horizontal yagis, 
> and I am concerned about flex in the coax and N connector over time and about 
> increased susceptibility to lightning (not a major risk here, but 
> nonetheless...)
> Does anyon have any thoughts?  Option 2 is appealing, but it sure seems dumb 
> to rotate an omnidirectional antenna...
> Thanks.
> Bernie K5XS
> Arkansas
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