[TowerTalk] Wires from a Freestanding Tower

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Sat Jan 15 02:31:29 EST 2005

Wow what a total dissaster. I really feel sorry
for N9RV!



> Well, I'm not so sure. If a bunch of wire antennas
> become heavily laden with ice (a situation many of our
> radio brothers and sister are dealing with right now)
> and wind comes up from the opposite side...  It would
> make me pretty uneasy! Speaking of ice, check out some
> of the recent damage at N9RV:
> http://home.comcast.net/~n9rv/
> Really heartbreaking!
> 73, Stew K3ND (guyed tower owner)
> --- chris <chris at fite.com> wrote:
>   Unless your have a lot of tension on your wire
>>antennas, it seems 
>>unlikely that the strain on the tower could begin to
>>be significantly 
>>loading the otherwise properly erected and guyed
>>Chris, K4AY
>>In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In
>>practice, they are 

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