[TowerTalk] Wires from a Freestanding Tower

Jerry Keller - K3BZ k3bz at arrl.net
Sat Jan 15 10:40:39 EST 2005

So do I. From the photos, it is indeed an antenna disaster of major proportions. In an area prone to 
ice storms this kind of wipeout must happen periodically, though, and it brings to mind one of the 
best features of the SteppIR yagis... when an ice or wind storm is expected, one can withdraw the 
metallic element tapes into the motor housings on the boom, leaving only the hollow fiberglas tubes 
as particularly vulnerable to damage. The fiberglas tubes have shown a remarkable ability to bend 
and rebound without damage even with thick ice deposits, but in the unlikely event one were to be 
damaged, it's not very expensive to replace (last I heard, about $25 from the mfr.). With access to 
the boom, it's not a tough job either... the glas tube slides in and is secured by a rubber 
weather-boot (Home Depot or Loew's)and a couple of SS hose clamps. Maybe Pat will be looking at the 
SteppIR as replacement for the obviously more vulnerable aluminum, because the terrible damage in 
those photos shouldn't happen to anyone even once, but certainly not more than once.
73,  Jerry K3BZ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jan Erik Holm" <sm2ekm at telia.com>
Cc: "towertalk reflector" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2005 2:31 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Wires from a Freestanding Tower

> Wow what a total dissaster. I really feel sorry
> for N9RV!
> 73 SM2EKM
> ---------------------------------------------------
>> Well, I'm not so sure. If a bunch of wire antennas
>> become heavily laden with ice (a situation many of our
>> radio brothers and sister are dealing with right now)
>> and wind comes up from the opposite side...  It would
>> make me pretty uneasy! Speaking of ice, check out some
>> of the recent damage at N9RV:
>> http://home.comcast.net/~n9rv/
>> Really heartbreaking!
>> 73, Stew K3ND (guyed tower owner)
>> --- chris <chris at fite.com> wrote:
>>   Unless your have a lot of tension on your wire
>>>antennas, it seems unlikely that the strain on the tower could begin to
>>>be significantly loading the otherwise properly erected and guyed
>>>Chris, K4AY
>>>In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In
>>>practice, they are different.
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