[TowerTalk] RE: Utility pole beam mount (Randy Frazer)

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Tue Jan 25 22:00:33 EST 2005

This topic comes up every so often.  The original article was in a 1955 or
56 QST and later in the ARRL Handbook and Antenna Book.  I mounted a Gonset
Tri-Bander on top of a 50 foot pole.  I found another article by a K0 in a
1968 QST (looks more complicated than the original).

N0AFW (now N0FW) had an excellent article in something like a 1984 QST.

The idea of a hazer or tram has also been used with success.  K5RFJ (later
W4XJ) had a big quad on a tall pole with a tram.  K4EZ also used a tram for
years in Atlanta.  K4JC had several 80 footers with trams so he could
compare 4and 5 el beams to 4 element quads.
He had a QST article in the late 60's or early 70's.

I always say contact your local utility company and get climbing
spikes/steps so you can climb the pole (with a good climbing belt of
course), too.  Do this before the pole is mounted.

Dave K4JRB

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