[TowerTalk] dumbing down

Peter Dougherty w2irt at nac.net
Thu Jul 21 17:09:56 EDT 2005

At 11:43 21-07-05, David Jordan wrote:
>I think the hobby needs more and better mentors, more and better
>examples of good operating practices. Fewer exclusive radio clubs and
>less in-fighting.  None of these needs are served by a 5-10-20wpm code
>requirement if the experience of the past 40 years is any test.

I firmly believe that in order to be permitted to write an amateur exam at 
any level you should be required to complete an approved training course 
and be taught not just the fundamentals of radio that will be examined, but 
operating practice, procedures and good on-air conduct. I would also like 
to see more of the trivia-questions from QRZ.com replace the real-world 
exam questions -- many are vastly more relevant!

- pjd


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