[TowerTalk] Practical Ground Screens for NVIS antennas

John Vickers wa4tt at nlamerica.com
Tue Jul 26 23:01:59 EDT 2005

Re: [TowerTalk] Practical Ground Screens for NVIS antennasTom Rauch wrote
  This is an old old trick people on 75 and 160 meters used (I
  first learned of it in 1962 or 63), and when doing 3895kc
  Gator Quarming competitions in the early 70's I experimented
  extensively with NVIS antennas and grounds. Nothing was more
  effective at laying out a regional blanket of RF than a
  dipole about 1/8th wave high with a parallel screen or grid
  that overlapped the dipole by a pretty good amount.

  Hi Tom---- In 1965 on 3895, I put a full wave loop reflector under my dipole. Tried it on the ground with dipole at about 35 ft. Later had it at approx 20 ft above ground and dipole at 55 ft. It *seemed* to improve the signal over just the ant with no reflector. Being just a loop, there was no screen directly under the ant. Since this thread has come up, I'm wondering if it really helped or  maybe it just supplied me with that " warm fuzzy" feeling thats always worth 6 or 8 dB ?? !! Hope all is well with you and Ms M. 73, John WA4TT





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