[TowerTalk] 40 meters

Roger K8RI on Tower k8ri-tower at charter.net
Thu Mar 17 12:16:04 EST 2005

Some of the "old timers" down here in the Midland area tell me going North 
is a disadvantage when working DX most of the time.  I don't know it that's 
true or not.

I've worked a number of South American stations running split with good 
strong signals using a little AV640 with the base at 32 feet, and I get good 
reports out of Europe with the 75 meter half wave center fed sloping dipole, 
but nothing on 40 so far.  It may be I'm just not listening at the proper 
74 opens a couple hours before sunrise over there while it's the middle of 
the night here and through Winter that is not working "gray line"

>I have a 2 element 40 at 80 feet and I can't even hear VR, 9M, HL, VU, XZ, 
>etc. from my QTH in the UP of Michigan.  When the California stations spot 
>these areas,  it's too late for my location.  Even if I am up with the 
>birds, I still have no propagation to that part of the world.

I'm never up with the birds, unless you count they are sometimes up before I 
go to bed.

Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2

> You KA and MO guys have it made!
> Tom W8JWN/V31TR
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