[TowerTalk] Off Topic: General Interest

Keith Dutson kjdutson at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 18 00:40:47 EST 2005

Below is a post to our club reflector that many will find interesting
reading.  I want to point out that Brandon also took the code test, but did
not pass.  We learned he began studying the code last night from a code
practice tape.  Based on his copy tonight, one more session with that tape
will likely allow him to pass the next attempt.  We are indeed fortunate to
have kids of this caliber joining the ham ranks.

Keith NM5G

-----Original Message-----
From: nars-bounces at mailman.qth.net [mailto:nars-bounces at mailman.qth.net] On
Behalf Of Norm Covey
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:48 PM
To: NARS-Reflector
Cc: Jahnke, Bart, W9JJ
Subject: [NARS] Special VE Test Session

A special VE Test Session was held this evening at Tomball Community Center.
One of our members, home from the U.S. Naval Academy, Brandon Vier-KD5HDA
and brother David Vier were both tested and both passed. Brandon received a
CSCE for his Element 3 and David passed his Element 2 to soon become a
Technician. Brandon hopes to soon pass his Element 1 and secure his General
License. Ms. Claudia Vier, Brandon's and David's mother had approached us
about allowing them to take the test at this time because Brandon will be
here for only a week. I was able to secure the assistance of Cal White-WF5W,
Paul Frantz-W5PF and Keith Dutson-NM5G, at that point the test was
scheduled. Brandon wants to revitalize the Naval Academy's Amateur Radio
Club and that sounds like a worthy challenge, we wish him all the luck in
the world. 


We will have another special VE Test Session at Rice University on March
28th at 6:30 PM. That night we will be testing Dr. Pat's class and that
should be a lot of fun. Dr. Pat has told us that anyone that wants to test
can fell free to attend if they wish. All of the Elements 1-4 will be
offered at the session. At this time all I know is that we will enter at
Entrance 14 at ~6:30 PM. We already have a complete VE team so if you know
of someone that wants to take one or all of the Elements, have them contact
me by e-mail or by phone.


Thanks again to Cal, Paul and Keith for your help this evening.




Norm Covey


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