[TowerTalk] Mosley Pro-67B

Bernard(wtrone) wtrone at comcast.net
Tue May 3 07:18:49 EDT 2005


        About 11 years ago, I bought a 67B shortly after they came out.  To 
make a very long story short, I had nothing but trouble with it.  The 
problem was high VSWR and low Front -to- Rear.  I could get it to work 
properly on some of the bands, but not all of them.  After about 8 months of 
trying with Mosley to get it to work, I sent it back and put back up my 
HyGain TH-7DXX.

        For what it is worth.


            Bernard, WA4OEJ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel Hileman" <n9wx_dan at yahoo.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 11:35 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Mosley Pro-67B

> Hi Everyone,
> Thanks for all that responded on my earlier question...well, I have come 
> across a deal...I have the opportunity to purchase a Mosley Pro-67B....it 
> would be at 65'...I know, not optimum for 40m but is the best I can do. 
> I'd like to hear some opinions on this antenna, it would be awesome 
> because it would allow me to put up ONE antenna...and I realize this is a 
> compromise in itself, but would definitely simplify things on my part, hi 
> hi.  So, come one come all...would it even work at all on 40m at 65'?  My 
> guess is that it should be decent since that is a half wave on 40m, but 
> obviously NOT optimum.
> Thanks and 73,
> Daniel
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