[TowerTalk] Tower placement

Bill Axelrod bill at axelrods.org
Tue May 31 20:08:56 EDT 2005

I have a new mountain-side QTH and am looking for some advice regarding 
tower placement since my knowledge of the effects of topography as it 
affects HF propogation is sorely lacking.

First, let me describe the property.  I have 37 acres on the side of a 
mountain in WV.  I have an approximate 270 degree clear view covering West 
to North to East behind the house.  Then there is a heavily wooded steep 
rise of 100 feet or so from the front of my home my home facing South.

There is a ~150 ft wide by ~180 ft deep cleared "shelf" area behind the 
house that drops approximately 30 ft over the 180 ft.  At the end of the 
shelf the ground drops approximately 100 ft quickly (maybe a 50 to 60 degree 
slope), then another more gradual slope to the valley floor.  It appears to 
be a couple of miles before the next ridge of equal height to where I am 
located.  Maybe more.

I plan to put up a 70 ft tower with a HF beam this summer.  My question is: 
Where on the property should I put the tower for the best DX propagation?

Would I be better off putting the Tower as far up the mountain as possible? 
Or would I be better off putting it as close to the end of the shelf (and 
sharp drop-off) as possible?  Which would be best to get the optimum take 
off angle?

Conversely, I also plan to put up a NVIS wire antenna for close-in stateside 
contesting.  What location would be best to get the optimum high take off 

My interests are DXing and contesting.  There are no power lines to get in 
the way and no neighbors who can see my property from their homes.  The XYL 
will be happy as long as I don't put the tower directly in her view from the 

Thanks and 73...   Bill K3WA 

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