[TowerTalk] Twinlead- Zepp

Mike Brown k9mi at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 3 13:11:40 EST 2005

Bill Aycock wrote:

>Mike- Tom, et al
>What is a center fed Zepp? how does it differ from a dipole?
>Mike Brown wrote:
It basically is the same thing Bill. It can be a resonant length for a 
certain band if you want it. But it does not have to be. Just be sure 
that it is at least "close" to resonant size on the lowest band you 
intend to operate on. I like to play it safe and make mine around 130ft 
(total length). or 260 ir you are going to work 160 meters. I've used a 
100 ft fed with 450 ohm before, but I feel better if the antenna is too 
long rather then too short.

73, Mike K9MI

>>If there is Tom, it hasn't got anything to do with rain. 450 ohm changes 
>>73, Mike K9MI

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