[TowerTalk] Elevated vertical
K8RI on Tower talk
k8ri-tower at charter.net
Tue Oct 4 14:55:23 EDT 2005
I always resorted to "that looks about right" and it usually works<:-)) at
least for radials. I am going to have to try a set under the Hy-Gain AV-640
which supposedly doesn't require radials when ground mounted. Mine's at 32'.
It works well on all bands except 20 where it appears to be deaf. SWR is
good, but I hear few stations and even running the legal limit few hear me.
Which is another reason for wanting to set it up so I can switch to the
antennas on the big tower.
Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
> Joe, the way I do elevated radials is to tune them slightly lower than the
> operating frequency... This is easily done... Put up the first two and
> drive them as a dipole and tune to the desired frequency... Make the
> other two the same length...
> Remember it is not the SWR that defines resonance, it is the reactance..
> Borrow a noise bridge or antenna analyzer to tune...
> denny
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