October 2005 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Oct 1 10:20:26 EST 2005
Ending: Mon Oct 31 23:24:45 EST 2005
Messages: 902
- [TowerTalk] [SteppIR] boom balance
Al Williams
- [TowerTalk] Mobile Antenna
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Laport "Radio Antenna Engineering" -- Deal of theMillenium-YOU BET
AA6DX - Mark
- [TowerTalk] Andrew 1/2" Superflex Connectors
- [TowerTalk] A Tower Tale
Dan Hearn
- [TowerTalk] Using a Camera to Indicate Beam Direction
- [TowerTalk] Falling a tower
Matt Patterson
- [TowerTalk] Falling a tower
Matt Patterson
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 55G Tower Damage, etc.
- [TowerTalk] Lubricating air variable capacitors
- [TowerTalk] Lubricating air variable capacitors
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 55G Tower Damage, etc.
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Using a camera to determine direction
- [TowerTalk] trying to figure out what kind of tower I have
Jess (AI9L)
- [TowerTalk] Lift cable, Galv Steel, vs Stainless
Pat Barthelow
- [TowerTalk] Explorer 14 rain detuning
ec1cwg at dxhunters.com
- [TowerTalk] Fw: Lubricating air variable capacitors
AA6DX - Mark
- [TowerTalk] Ham IV rotors are now on Ebay
Mark Brown
- [TowerTalk] WD40 (was lubing air variable caps)
Jim Lux
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 34, Issue 4
wb4gwx at netscape.net
- [TowerTalk] wd40
hcawthra at sbcglobal.net
- [TowerTalk] wd40
hcawthra at sbcglobal.net
- [TowerTalk] Lubricating air variable capacitors
Pat Barthelow
- [TowerTalk] Inverted v or flattop
Jim Miller WB5OXQ
- [TowerTalk] Lubricating air variable capacitors
zl1aih at ihug.co.nz
- [TowerTalk] DX Engineering 4 square active antenna receive system
Mike Fatchett
- [TowerTalk] Inverted v or flattop
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] K7C - One-Way Propagation?
Bill Jackson
- [TowerTalk] K7C - One-Way Propagation?
EL34GUY at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] K7C - One-Way Propagation?
KH6DV at cs.com
- [TowerTalk] Antenna swithcing system for M/S stations
- [TowerTalk] K7C "facing West"
RLVZ at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] K7C - One-Way Propagation?
donovanf at starpower.net
- [TowerTalk] Looking for photo of 30' tower
Delbert Matlock
- [TowerTalk] Correction to my LM470 posting
paul at w8aef.com
- [TowerTalk] WD40
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] WD-4Ø Finale
AA6DX - Mark
- [TowerTalk] Elevated vertical
joe sloss
- [TowerTalk] [Fwd: Re: Coefficient of coupling]
- [TowerTalk] [Fwd: Re: Lubricating air variable capacitors]
- [TowerTalk] Active RX antennas
John Wagner
- [TowerTalk] OK for Rohn 45 Tiltover - Dutton-Lainson 2500?
- [TowerTalk] OK for Rohn 45 Tiltover - Dutton-Lainson 2500?
- [TowerTalk] Looking for photo of 30' tower
Delbert Matlock
- [TowerTalk] re Elevated vertical
Rob Atkinson, K5UJ
- [TowerTalk] Elevated vertical
Dennis O'Connor
- [TowerTalk] re Elevated vertical
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] FS: TX-455
Terry Dunlap
- [TowerTalk] Elevated vertical
larryj at teleport.com
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 55G tower damage, cont'd.
- [TowerTalk] TH-5 Available for Parts nr. Houston, TX.
Byron Tatum
- [TowerTalk] shunt-fed tower capacitor match location
Richard W. Harris
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 55G tower damage, cont'd.
DMartin560 at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] FS: mondo insulators - cheap
Brian K Harris
- [TowerTalk] The dropping of the tower
wb4gwx at netscape.net
- [TowerTalk] shunt-fed tower capacitor match location
Phil Camera
- [TowerTalk] shunt-fed tower capacitor match location
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Interaction between antennas
va3pl at cuic.ca
- [TowerTalk] Elevated vertical
Punderson, IV, James
- [TowerTalk] rotary dipole 30m.
- [TowerTalk] Resonant frequency of a tower
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 35G and 25G
- [TowerTalk] question on coax
el34guy at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] EWE Antennas
Dan Bookwalter
- [TowerTalk] question on coax
John Wagner
- [TowerTalk] LMR 400, RG8 and Heliax
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Interaction between antennas Interaction between an
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Looking for photo of 30' tower
Fred Roberts
- [TowerTalk] Tool belt recommendations
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] OK for Rohn 45 Tiltover - Dutton-Lainson 2500?
Mahlon Haunschild
- [TowerTalk] Tool belt recommendations
KJ6Y at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tool belt recommendations
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] No Tower!
Tim Makins, EI8IC
- [TowerTalk] AB-577
Hooper LCpl John P
- [TowerTalk] Towers and XYLs
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Wilson MT-61
Richard Zalewski
- [TowerTalk] Remote Tuning of Shunt-Fed Tower
Pat Chiles
- [TowerTalk] Towers and XYLs
Peter Chadwick
- [TowerTalk] Antenna problem?
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Antenna problem?
Peter Chadwick
- [TowerTalk] Antenna problem?
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Heres a switch for a change
Scott Millick
- [TowerTalk] Remote Tuning of Shunt-Fed Tower
Pat Chiles
- [TowerTalk] Rhino-flex Rope
Mike Fatchett
- [TowerTalk] Cable on a reel using a formula?
dolanmorrison at tiscali.co.uk
- [TowerTalk] sparky strikes
Jim Hoge
- [TowerTalk] Sparky strikes !
Steve London
- [TowerTalk] Wanted: 75 to 50 ohm Matching Stubs
el34guy at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Cable on a reel using a formula?
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Cable on a reel using a formula?
Ron Cluster
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 34, Issue 26
john.brewer at us.schneider-electric.com
- [TowerTalk] Cable on a reel using a formula?
Reicher, James
- [TowerTalk] Tower installation
- [TowerTalk] Remote Tuning of Shunt-Fed Tower
Pat Chiles
- [TowerTalk] help with shunt feeding
W5JMW John
- [TowerTalk] I know I'm off topic but
- [TowerTalk] Antenna problem?
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] I know I'm off topic but
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] question on coax
Bill Tippett
- [TowerTalk] I know I'm off topic but
donovanf at starpower.net
- [TowerTalk] I know I'm off topic but
Jim Lux
- [TowerTalk] Lightning Protection Device Question
- [TowerTalk] Bird loading and elements
- [TowerTalk] Cable on a spool
William B. Stacy
- [TowerTalk] Tri-Ex LM470 cables (was Lift cable, Galva Steel, vs. Stainless)
- [TowerTalk] lightning protection
Craig Clark
- [TowerTalk] 550 -parachute cord
Greenacres113 at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] lightning protection
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Antenna problem?
John Wagner
- [TowerTalk] Lubricating air variables
jacobsen_5 at msn.com
- [TowerTalk] Cable on a reel using a formula?
Mark .
- [TowerTalk] CQ article error(?)
Bill Aycock
- [TowerTalk] cable on reel formula
fred muehlen/N5WLA
- [TowerTalk] TH7 parts
Robert King
- [TowerTalk] Looking for photo of 30' tower
Delbert Matlock
- [TowerTalk] CQ article error(?)
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] CQ article error(?)
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] cable on a reel using a formula?
Jim Jarvis
- [TowerTalk] CQ article error(?)
HFDXJUNKIE at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] FW: The PERILS of single point grounding
Jim Jarvis
- [TowerTalk] CQ article error(?)
HFDXJUNKIE at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Source for Radial Wire...was Elevated vertical
donovanf at starpower.net
- [TowerTalk] Lightning Protection Device Question
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Lightning Protection Device Question
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Radial Wire
Hal Kennedy
- [TowerTalk] Goodness, gracious great balls of why're
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] Goodness, gracious great balls of why're
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] galvenizing vs painting a tower platform
Al Williams
- [TowerTalk] Fw: CQ article error(?)
- [TowerTalk] if you use Zone Alarm read this....
Dan Bookwalter
- [TowerTalk] TH7 parts
Robert King
- [TowerTalk] grounding
Rob Atkinson, K5UJ
- [TowerTalk] grounding
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] K7C Kure Antennas
Kimo Chun
- [TowerTalk] grounding
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] galvenizing vs painting a tower platform
K4VV at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] grounding
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] 4-5 element quad
Ron Feutz
- [TowerTalk] thanks for the hardline answers and a concrete question
EL34GUY at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] 80M to 160M Vertical
D. Scott MacKenzie
- [TowerTalk] thanks for the hardline answers and a concretequestion
Daron J. Wilson
- [TowerTalk] Question on guy wires
- [TowerTalk] Question on guy wires
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 34, Issue 54
Dudley Chapman
Alejandro Caparroz
- [TowerTalk] tower shunt-fed tuning
Richard W. Harris
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Torgue arms on Rohn tower....
- [TowerTalk] CQ Article Error(?)
Bob Wade
- [TowerTalk] Rookie Question
Al Zelna
- [TowerTalk] Wire size for 800 meter long wire
mike l dormann
- [TowerTalk] Wire Size for 800 meter longwire
Barry Merrill
- [TowerTalk] Problems with new Rotor Installation
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Test - Please disregard
Carl Smidt
- [TowerTalk] WD40 (was lubing air variable caps)
Carl Smidt
- [TowerTalk] [Amps] alpha 87a and Pro II question
Keith Dutson
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 20G Tower lay down questions
Don M
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 20G Tower lay down questions
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] raising Rohn 20
Greenacres113 at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Boom Splice
jacobsen_5 at msn.com
- [TowerTalk] Boom Splice
HFDXJUNKIE at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] [CQ-Contest] Competing in the Daylight
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Torque arms
- [TowerTalk] TA 33 jr to 17m
Greenacres113 at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Two Radial Questions
Pat Chiles
- [TowerTalk] 2" boom splice
CubexCo at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] portable capstan winch
- [TowerTalk] Need Cu Wire Supplier
Keith Dutson
- [TowerTalk] portable capstan winch
W. E. Bailey
- [TowerTalk] [800 M longwire] Basic question...
Bgsalesmel at cs.com
- [TowerTalk] Torque arms
- [TowerTalk] Torque arms
- [TowerTalk] Need Cu Wire Supplier
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Used/New 3/16" guy wire FS
Byron Tatum
- [TowerTalk] FS - Trylon T-600-64
Byron Tatum
- [TowerTalk] 7075 T6 2" OD X .375" Wall Tube Saga
Mike Garbizo
- [TowerTalk] rohn tb25d torque bars
Stephen Sala
- [TowerTalk] Source for 3/4" Diameter Steps for Union Metal Tower?
K4VV at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] 2" Boom Clamp
Carrington, Walter
- [TowerTalk] Radials, etc., for a new (to me) tower
johna8119-amps at yahoo.com
- [TowerTalk] rohn tb25d torque bars
SavageBR at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] rohn tb25d torque bars
SavageBR at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Shunt feed ??
Dan H. Gaylord
- [TowerTalk] rohn tb25d torque bars
Stephen Sala
- [TowerTalk] ta33/17m
Greenacres113 at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Wire Size for 800 meter longwire
Bgsalesmel at cs.com
- [TowerTalk] FS List
Mark Brown
- [TowerTalk] Stacking distance for 6M beam
Julio Peralta
- [TowerTalk] Mast Clamps
David Jordan
- [TowerTalk] Radials, grounding, etc., for a new (to me) tower
John Adkins
- [TowerTalk] Mast clamps (Related to boom splices)
jacobsen_5 at msn.com
- [TowerTalk] Posting
jacobsen_5 at msn.com
- [TowerTalk] rohn tb25d torque bars
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Rope report
jimjarvis at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Why no apparent use of 2" shaft collars?
Kevin Normoyle
- [TowerTalk] [Amps] Dedicated 220AC Wiring for Amps..
Keith Dutson
- [TowerTalk] Corrosion-proofing coax connections
- [TowerTalk] Corrosion-proofing coax connections
jim fox
- [TowerTalk] Dipole puzzle
William Q Meeker
- [TowerTalk] Corrosion-proofing coax connections
William Q Meeker
- [TowerTalk] Mosley parts
Greenacres113 at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Corrosion-proofing coax connections
Mark .
- [TowerTalk] Dipole puzzle
Lee A Crocker
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Tuner Overheating
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] KT36XA and Rohn 45
Courtney Judd K4WI
- [TowerTalk] Stacking info
Julio Peralta
- [TowerTalk] OCF dipole
jimjarvis at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Dipole resonates lower than expected.
Robert Chudek
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu rotor repairs
- [TowerTalk] OCF dipole
jimjarvis at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] a solution for HOA problems?
Jim Lux
- [TowerTalk] Dipole resonates lower than expected.
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Dipole puzzle
William Q Meeker
- [TowerTalk] Sick Tailtwister
- [TowerTalk] Antenna speration of a 4 element SteppIR and a 1 wavelenght 80 meter loop (diamond shaped, plane perpendicular to earth)
Fred Mott
- [TowerTalk] Shunt-fed tower height
Barrie Smith
- [TowerTalk] Grayline online?
- [TowerTalk] a solution for HOA problems?
Bob Smith
- [TowerTalk] Tower Climbing Tips
Bill Coleman
- [TowerTalk] WTB: Cushcraft 40-2cd
Daniel Hileman
- [TowerTalk] Sick Tailtwister
K4BEV at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] BPL eported in generally positive light in NYT
Joe Giacobello
- [TowerTalk] new ham with and old R6 Question
kelly mcnutt
- [TowerTalk] TET-44 or TET-43
Samir Popaja
- [TowerTalk] Dipole resonates lower than expected.
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] dipole resonates lower than expected
jimjarvis at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Radials and What is Working for Me
Pat Chiles
- [TowerTalk] Concrete Fiber
kr7x at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Concrete Fiber
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] FW: Concrete Fiber
- [TowerTalk] Multiple e-mails when replying back to the list...
Dino Darling
- [TowerTalk] re - dipole resonates lower than expected
AA6DX - Mark
- [TowerTalk] Sick Tailtwister
Mike Gilmer
- [TowerTalk] Need Roller Inductors
Byron Tatum
- [TowerTalk] Dipole Center Insulator
Byron Tatum
- [TowerTalk] modeling insulated wires
Jim Lux
- [TowerTalk] Roller inductor sources
Rob Atkinson, K5UJ
- [TowerTalk] K6STI's Coil program?
Juha Rantanen
- [TowerTalk] K6STI's Coil program?
Jim Lux
- [TowerTalk] Roller inductor sources
jim fox
- [TowerTalk] FW: 135 degrees phasing.
Jose M. Valdes R. YV5LIX
- [TowerTalk] Can Any Tower Handle Cat 5+ Hurricane?
- [TowerTalk] Roller inductor sources
Peter Chadwick
- [TowerTalk] new ham with and old R6 Question
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Can Any Tower Handle Cat 5+ Hurricane?
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Roller inductor sources
cgerarden at atomix.com
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 34, Issue 87
Bill Fuqua
- [TowerTalk] Need Direction Indicating Wirewound Pot Assembly for T2X
Joe Giacobello
- [TowerTalk] re Can Any Tower Handle Cat 5+ Hurricane?
Rob Atkinson, K5UJ
- [TowerTalk] ELEVATED GUY
- [TowerTalk] "BigSticks"
Courtney Judd K4WI
- [TowerTalk] "BigSticks"
Bill Tippett
- [TowerTalk] Can Any Tower Handle Cat 5+ Hurricane?
donovanf at starpower.net
- [TowerTalk] KLM 6L20 improved dimensions
W0UN -- John Brosnahan
- [TowerTalk] Roller inductor sources
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Pics of Installs
JT Croteau
- [TowerTalk] Pics of my new install still in progress
Dave Fuller
- [TowerTalk] Pics of Installs
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu rotator problem
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Pics of Installs
Scott Neader KA9FOX
- [TowerTalk] ICE Model 515 Antenna Switch
George K3GP
- [TowerTalk] Fw: Pics of Installs
Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181
- [TowerTalk] Guying on Rhone 25 using a GM Hazer
Larry D. Perkins
- [TowerTalk] ICE 419 Bandpass Wiring?
Rich Hallman - N7TR
- [TowerTalk] Ham IV Rotor
Tim G. Boerresen
- [TowerTalk] FW: Yaesu rotator problem
John Wagner
- [TowerTalk] Ham IV Rotor
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] ICE 419 Bandpass Wiring?
- [TowerTalk] FS - Tower sections
K4BEV at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Ground system, how to drive ground rod
KkcinMS at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] need advice on tower install
Doug / K0ZU
- [TowerTalk] Wind Pressure Equation
Faizul Ahmad
- [TowerTalk] Tower Foundation Question
Bob Kellow, W5LT
- [TowerTalk] Rubber boots SteppIR
- [TowerTalk] Universal Al Tower
Barry Fox
- [TowerTalk] F12 EF-240/230
Joe, aa4nn
- [TowerTalk] need advice on tower install
William Q Meeker
- [TowerTalk] Looking for correspondents to test measurement method
Juan M. Chazarra EA5RS
- [TowerTalk] LM-470 Tilt Winch Question
Joe Giacobello
- [TowerTalk] Modeling Ladderline as an Antenna Element
Joe Giacobello
- [TowerTalk] Dimensions for HyGain 155BA
- [TowerTalk] Plumbing Universal Tower
James E. Lanier
- [TowerTalk] Bearings in Rotators
AA6DX - Mark
- [TowerTalk] Grounding of COAX run
WarrenWolff at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Grounding of COAX run
John Wagner
- [TowerTalk] FS: Fulton 2550 Winch (practically brand new)
Joe Giacobello
- [TowerTalk] FS: Fulton 1550 Winch (practically brand new)
Joe Giacobello
- [TowerTalk] Please ignore previous post Winch is a 1550 not Fulton 2550
Joe Giacobello
- [TowerTalk] Plumbing Universal Tower
Robert Chudek
- [TowerTalk] Fw: F12 EF-240/230
N4BAA - Jose Castillo
- [TowerTalk] Tower Foundation Question
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk] F12 EF-240/230
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Modeling Ladderline as an Antenna Element
Mark .
- [TowerTalk] Grounding of COAX run
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] mast slipping in Yaesu rotor
n4jbk at bellsouth.net
- [TowerTalk] Rotor damage prevention
John E.Cleeve
- [TowerTalk] 80M antenna suggestion
Richard W. Harris
- [TowerTalk] Fw: Sick Tailtwister-Update
ec1cwg at dxhunters.com
- [TowerTalk] MFJ-854 RF CURRENT METER
- [TowerTalk] 80M antenna suggestion
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] 80M antenna suggestion
Mark .
- [TowerTalk] Rotor damage prevention
Peter Chadwick
- [TowerTalk] Aluma Crank Up Tower Install Questions
nd8l at juno.com
- [TowerTalk] re 80 m. ant. suggestion
Rob Atkinson, K5UJ
- [TowerTalk] Weller Portasol
Roger D Johnson
- [TowerTalk] Weller Portasol
K6TFZ at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Weller Portasol
- [TowerTalk] 80M antenna for KJ7CU
Mark .
- [TowerTalk] IT Journalist praises HAMs
Hsu, Aaron (NBC Universal)
- [TowerTalk] Motorizing a Crank up
- [TowerTalk] Rotor damage prevention
Mike Harris
- [TowerTalk] 80 meter antenna
Craig Clark
- [TowerTalk] Rotor damage prevention: soft pins or simple shock absorbers
Mark .
- [TowerTalk] Radio Arkala by OH6KN and OH8NC
Bill Tippett
- [TowerTalk] Off Topic
John E.Cleeve
- [TowerTalk] Motorizing a Tower
CubexCo at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Stacked M2 2M18XXX's near Houston, Tx.
Byron Tatum
- [TowerTalk] Elecrtic diagram for antenna control
Pedro Fabregas
- [TowerTalk] Off Topic
John E.Cleeve
- [TowerTalk] yaesu rotor control question
el34guy at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tower Jumper
AA6DX - Mark
- [TowerTalk] Force 12 5BA
Bill Jackson
- [TowerTalk] Force 12 5BA
- [TowerTalk] CFA - It's real! ??
ersmar at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] CFA - It's real! ??
K4BEV at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] CFA - It's real! ??
Bill Tippett
- [TowerTalk] CFA - It's real! ??
Bob Smith
- [TowerTalk] Problem with a Yaesu rotator
Magnus A
- [TowerTalk] Crank-up tower
- [TowerTalk] CFA
John Adkins
- [TowerTalk] Toyota SUV's For Mobile?
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Force 12 5BA
- [TowerTalk] Snow and rain attenuation
Dan Hearn
- [TowerTalk] Vertical arrays on sloping terrain - opinions please
Jim Idelson
- [TowerTalk] Thanks
Richard Zalewski
- [TowerTalk] Snow and rain attenuation
Bill Jackson
- [TowerTalk] [YCCC] Vertical arrays on sloping terrain - opinions please
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] Snow and rain attenuation
Robert Chudek
- [TowerTalk] HyGain TH-11 Balun and matching
Robert Chudek
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 34, Issue 118
johna8119-amps at yahoo.com
- [TowerTalk] Snow and rain attenuation
Bob Smith
- [TowerTalk] Antenna in wet soil
Stone, Gary R.
- [TowerTalk] Sick Tailtwister-Update
Tom Williams
- [TowerTalk] CFA
- [TowerTalk] Dallas area ham radio
- [TowerTalk] CFA
William B. Stacy
Last message date:
Mon Oct 31 23:24:45 EST 2005
Archived on: Tue Nov 1 12:50:05 EST 2005
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).