[TowerTalk] K6STI's Coil program?
Juha Rantanen
oh6xx at sral.fi
Tue Oct 18 16:01:54 EDT 2005
Jim Lux wrote:
> At 06:59 AM 10/18/2005, Juha Rantanen wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm building a shorty-forty with loading coils. Everything else is
>> designed and partially built but I still need to verify the coil design.
>> I noticed from several sites in the internet that K6STI's Coil -program
>> is a reliable one. Only one but, where can I get it? I have gone through
>> numerous websites without any luck. I tried to send email to K6STI to
>> some email address I found but it bounced. Any help? Or if you know any
>> good substitute please advise me.
>> Juha OH6XX
> There are several outstanding programs around that can do this sort of
> thing, but before sending you on a hunt for something that isn't what
> you need:
> What coil design/performance information do you need? L? loss? coupling?
> How accurately do you need the numbers? (10% good enough, or do you need
> sub 1% accuracy?)
> Is the coil closewound or spacewound (makes a difference in the amount
> of "proximity effect"
> for Rac... if the turns are spaced >5 times wire diameter, you can
> probably ignore proximity effect and just use skin effect)
I found the program, thanks to fellow hams. I need it to calculate
needed turns when I know the inductance, core diameter and coil lenght.
I found many programs that were able to do that but none of them were
able to calculate the losses when something else than aircore was used.
Thanks to everyone who helped. Now I can finish my design and hopefully
use the fishing rod/copper wire 40m beam in CQWW SSB.
Juha OH6XX
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