[TowerTalk] Corrosion-proofing coax connections

K8RI on Tower talk k8ri-tower at charter.net
Sat Oct 15 14:43:14 EDT 2005

I use a bit of Silicone grease (DC-4 or DC-5) although there are other makes 
out there. Just a thin film on the surfaces will do the job. However don't 
get it on the outside surfaces as nothing will stick to it.  I also have 
used it in several cases to "flood" connectors at the top of the tower.

DC-4 was designed during WW-II to water proof the ignition connections on 
the engines of B-17 bombers to keep them from arcing at high altitude. So 
the stuff will withstand very high voltages.

Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2

> Tony:
> I use ScotchKote. It is easy to find in electrical supply departments
> everywhere. I first use a layer of electrical tape (to keep the
> connector clean if and when I need to remove it), then a layer of
> ScotchKote (just paint it on). Then another layer of Scotch-33 tape,
> for UV protection. In some cases, I will use two layers of ScotchKote
> with tape in between---just to be sure. The ScotchKote will degrade
> if exposed to direct UV. Scotch-33 tape is UV resistant (not all tape is).
> UV-resistant heatshrink is another alternative---but it is harder to 
> remove.
> 73,
> Bill
> K0KT
> William Q. Meeker
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