[TowerTalk] new ham with and old R6 Question

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Wed Oct 19 08:34:57 EDT 2005

In a message dated 10/17/2005 4:50:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
towertalk-request at contesting.com writes:

>  New to this wonderful hobby! Currently  learning code and will 
(hopefully) be General by Christmas-
-I acquired and old R6 50' tower that, for its age, is immaculate. My 
idea is to sacrifice one ten foot section to make the tower a tilt over. 
It will be anchored at the 15' level with a bracket attached to the 
house. Cant use guys due to the station manager/XYL  edict HI 
HI.................so net height will be 40'. I have a Wilson Tri band, 
a 2/440, and a scanner antenna that will initially be up---fed down to 
an automatic switcher, followed by 150' of hard line in to the shack.
My question is two fold---is this practicle, and does anyone have plans 
to fabricate a fold over, or any ideas???

    Well, the tower bracketed to the house at 15' is a good idea. R6 is just 
tv tower so it's not meant to have a load like you're proposing - particularly 
un-guyed. It doesn't have enough torque resistance for your tribander boom so 
you need to be real careful with what you do with it. 

    You need to know what your local windspeed rating is as well. You can 
check it at www.championradio.com under Tech Notes. The tower might not even be 
rated for what you want to do. 

    As far as folding it over, it wasn't designed for that either. You'd need 
to be a pretty clever engineering and fabricating type to come up with 
something safe. And even if you did, the tower still isn't made for it. 

    If it was my tower I'd bracket it at 15 feet and then have 15 feet of 
naked tower above the bracket. Even Rohn 25G - a much stronger tower - is only 
rated at 15 feet above the housebracket. 

    Please follow the LXC Prime Directive to "DO what the manufacturer says" 
and you'll stay out of trouble. And the opposite is true - "DON'T do what they 
don't tell you".

    Welcome to a fun hobby and GL on your General class ticket!

Steve    K7LXC
Professional tower services for commercial and amateur
Cell: 206-890-4188

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