[TowerTalk] FS - Tower sections

K4BEV@aol.com K4BEV at aol.com
Fri Oct 21 16:23:03 EDT 2005

A local (Northern Hardeman Co. TN) heavy equipment op (not a ham) has taken  
down 2 - 200 foot towers.
He has the guy wires also. I believe that this was a commercial  installation.
I have not seen them - Following is his description.
400' of tower sections (each section >10'). 40 - 50 feet damaged during  take 
down, but probably repairable. Remaining sections are in good  condition.
2 foot face, triangular tower, legs are 2" angle with Z braces.
They had large dishes on them and what sounds like a work platform.
He has no idea of the value of these, nor do I.
If you are interested let me know... I can also take pictures and  email them.
If you have an idea of their value I would also appreciate hearing from  you.
73, Don - K4BEV

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