[TowerTalk] Looking for photo of 30' tower

Gary "Joe" Mayfield gary_mayfield at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 9 10:23:46 EDT 2005

>I really feel sorry for persons whose spouses have so little regard for
>them that things like towers are out of the question. My antennas & towers
>are as important to me as my wife's desires are to her. We find ways to
>accommodate. If she can't be talked into a compromise that includes a
>tower, then why are you still there? Does she earn ALL of the money?
>Compromises for the good of the household should be good for the whole
>household. Not just one member of the household.

I make the money, but would you really jepordize a marriage for a tower?  I
enjoy the hobby, but I love my wife.  Rest assured if she decided to go the
lawyers and courts would take my money and future earnings, not mention our
child and QTH.  It's always a matter of priorities!


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