[TowerTalk] CQ article error(?)

HFDXJUNKIE@aol.com HFDXJUNKIE at aol.com
Fri Oct 7 14:38:46 EDT 2005

The groundING of the service goes to ground ONLY. The groundED neutral wire  
terminates at the transformer. In the transformer, the third (neutral wire) is 
 used in the secondary winding of the transformer giving 120 volts to each  
phase..1 and 2 at the same time allowing current to flow through the neutral  
wire back to the transformer for any unbalanced loads in the house...ie 
outlets.  Without the neutral wire at the transfomer, the 2 load wires would carry 
240  volts each instead of 120 each for residental use. The white wire (neutral 
)  should never ever be ground to earth groundING.Alot of people are badly 
burned  and some killed by playing with electricity. The pole mounted transformer 
is  reducing 7200 volts down to 240 and 120. Dont mess around by the wires on 
the  poles or underground, the load..(amps) being drawn from the lines will 
cook  you like a piece of bacon on a open fire. 
Becareful. 73 Pete

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