[TowerTalk] grounding

Tom Rauch w8ji at contesting.com
Sun Oct 9 00:32:26 EDT 2005

> garyschafer at comcast.net writes:
> As far as Polyphaser protection devices go, you really
don't need them
> if you disconnect the lines from the equipment and ground
the shield and
> center conductor of the coax when not in use.

K4XS replied:
> I wish that was true.  It is not.  Three years ago, before
I got the
> Polyphasers,  I had disconnected as you said.
Unfortunately the lightning traveled
> and jumped on to the Al-Foil aluminum insulation material
near the entrance box.

I don't disconnect at all. Too many cables.  I don't have
polyphasers or anything else except a couple MOV's on the
power mains. There are a few antenna relay switches that
open antennas when power is off.

I get lightning hits several times a year. I never get
computer, modem, or radio problems.

The trick is a single point entrance. Bulk head feed through
that grounds to the power line feed grounds. Everything to a
entrance plate. Everything at the desk to a single point.
Everything at the TV sets/stereos the same way. All
TV/radio/VCR clusters plug into  "WalMart protected outlet
strip, coax passes through it also.

Ground it correctly to a common point at each equipment
cluster. Ground the building entrance to a common connection
with power mains ground. That's the main part...
73 Tom

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