[TowerTalk] Need Direction Indicating Wirewound Pot Assembly for T2X
K8RI on Tower talk
k8ri-tower at charter.net
Wed Oct 19 16:18:20 EDT 2005
If you can find any old rotors of the same type including the old CDE they
*probably* use the same pot. At least it'd be worth a check. There are a
lot of those around although who knows the state of the pots in them.
Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
> Neither CATS nor Hy-Gain have any in stock and they won't be available
> for at least another two weeks. I am in midst of an installation and
> need one now. The original part no. is 51460-10. I believe other Ham
> series rotors use the same assembly but I'm not sure.
> If you can supply, please contact me via e-mail or 540-745-6825.
> 73, Joe
> K2XX
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