[TowerTalk] Two Radial Questions

Pat Chiles chilesp at adelphia.net
Thu Oct 13 13:47:49 EDT 2005

Thank you gentlemen for the input.  Apparently my question was worded to 
give the impression that I was just laying a few radials.  That is not the 
case.  I have 15 stubs on each of three sides of the tower pad.  The fourth 
side is blocked by a house.  I am committed to a minimum of 45 radials and 
was thinking that if I soldered two wires to a number of the stubs then I 
could lay even more.  My wire inventory is 1000ft of #14, 2000ft of #20 
teflon insulated, and 2000ft of #22 pvc insulated.  Thanks again.

Pat, K8PC
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pat Chiles" <chilesp at adelphia.net>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 9:46 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Two Radial Questions

>I have a shunt fed tower that I landscaped around in late summer.  Before 
>laying down the landscape cloth and decorative stone, I first ran a solid # 
>6 copper wire around the perimeter of the tower pad and attached fifteen 3 
>to 7 foot radials on each side and laid them on the ground under the cloth 
>and stone.  I can now go back and solder wire to each of these short 
>radials and extend them around the yard.
> My question is this.  If I attach two wires to one of these very short 
> radials (3-7 feet) and and then run them out about 100 to 130 feet, will 
> they act as two radials or just one?
> My other question is did I read on Tower Talk during the past month that 
> #22 stranded and insulated copper wire is fine for radials?  I couldn't 
> find it in the archives.
> Thanks,
> Pat, K8PC
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