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John E.Cleeve
g3jvc at jcleeve.idps.co.uk
Fri Oct 28 07:30:36 EDT 2005
Hello Harry,
Thanks for your thoughts. I do not want to use these " split spring
sleeves" for radio/TV knob use at all, but access to a source, of
manufactur, would be helpful. So far, all the sales people at various
companies I have tried in the UK, just don't seem to have any idea of
what I am describing, and when I send a sketch, oh, its all too
difficult.......the only spring company which has the item in its
catalogue is in VK land, and they describe the spring sleeve, as
a "compression spring", seems a bit over the top, to have to import
small quantities, from VK, if they would even be prepared to supply
them. In the UK, that form of description means one wound with piano
wire!!! regards, John. G3JVC.
On Fri Oct 28 11:37 , lcomden at comcast.net sent:
>John, going back to working in a Radio/TV repair shop (more than 45
years ago) we had a box of replacement knob springs from GC (formerly
General Cement). Some went around the outside of knobs which gripped
knurled shafts, Others went inside to mate with split shafts. Hope
you're sucessful finding "old fashioned" stuff like that.
>BTW, GC also made one of the best liquid contact cleaners called
DeOxid. I still have a bottle from those days and use it on corroded
battery terminals.
>Larry K3VX
>> I agree Mark. I would love to know the correct name, or
>> of the split spring sleeves, used to hold "push on" radio/TV
>> knobs in place..... does anyone know, and even better, if you know
>> what they are called, where can I source them in UK ? Thank you
>> allowing this question.....73, John. G3JVC.
>> Therein lies the power of a list like this one.
>> ...and until you know the proper name for such a device, it's hard
>> go
>> looking it up in a catalog index ! Somethimes the same device will
>> have
>> different colloquial names in different catalogs. As you point out,
>> can
>> be easier to just thumb through the catalog just to learn what is
>> there.
>> --...MARK_N1LO...--
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