Keith Dutson kdutson at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 19 22:53:00 EDT 2005

I have seen all manner of elevated guy posts.  I have never seen a spec for
these posts in the Rohn book.  I chose 4.5 inch X 1/4 inch wall oil field
pipe and had tabs for guys welded at the top.  Each post is 3 feet in ground
and 5 feet above, or 8 feet tall.  They were then hot dip galvanized.  I
went for overkill and poured 4 yards of 4000 lb concrete around each post.
A CE friend of mine said they could probably hold my 150 foot 45G tower if
placed on top of the ground. :)

BTW, I developed a spreadsheet that allows one to model the tower, guys and
antennas.  After plugging in antenna turning radius, it calculates the
clearance between antenna and guys.

73 Keith NM5G

-----Original Message-----
From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of ChetMoore
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:50 PM
To: 'TowerTalk'; pvrc at mailman.qth.net
Cc: Marion Wise; James Lehnerd; VERB at VISI.NET; Dallas Carter; Jose Castillo;
John Crovelli
Subject: [TowerTalk] ELEVATED GUY

After watching the PVRC contesting  tape by W3LPL I decide to take " Take
off angle" seriously.   I recently put up a C4 at 45 feet below my C31XR at
90 feet. .  I chose 45 feet because........that gave me the most clearance
for the C4 to turn underneath the top guy at 70 feet.... and using the
EYEBALL method...it ALMOST clears.  Measured it today and we need another 20
inches for the reflector ( C-4 is on a side mount) to turn under the guy

I had my navsys engineer over here today (n4baa) and we determined that if
we put a piece of   I (eye) beam in the ground with 7 feet sticking up out
of the ground and move the present guy back 4 feet (as far as I can go and
still keep it on my property,  with the guy attached at 7 feet the C4  will
clear the guy wire by a couple of feet..

I'm guessing I need a 10-12 foot section  of eye beam with 4-5 feet buried
in the ground to have 7 feet exposed. Is there a rule of thumb or does
Anyone really know , how much do i have to put in the ground and do I need
rebar in the hole and how much cement is required to make sure the I beam
stays put??  Tower is AB-105 Presently guyed at 40  and 70 feet, 2 el shorty
XM 240 mounted at 72 feet on a second sidemount. 



Chet N6ZO


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