[TowerTalk] Cable on a reel using a formula?

kd4e kd4e at verizon.net
Thu Oct 6 11:40:28 EDT 2005

> Isn't the formula pi * radius(squared) * the number of turns what you
> need?
> Been a long time since I did any geometry...
> Matt

That sounds very familiar!

Definition of terms:



Fascinating ... after plowing through some of that methinks
I'd rather roll out the cable and put a tape to it!  ;-)

Seriously, years ago I had been given a couple of rolls
of fiber optic cable and a Christian missions organization
wanted to know the length prior to me paying to ship it to
them as a donation.  At the time it made a whole lot more
sense to estimate the length using the formula versus
unrolling, measuring, and re-rolling the cables.

For those on this list the formula is valuable when considering
a roll of coax at a Fest or via the Internet.

Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e

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West Central Florida

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