[TowerTalk] Rain static
kd4e at verizon.net
Thu Sep 1 13:13:00 EDT 2005
It is just that I am reading that even mobile the static energy
is capable of building up to the point that it is capable of
harming the front end of a rig. Considering the cost of a modern
rig for HF or VHF/UHF may it not become a "better safe than sorry"
equation or will such devices not really function properly in a
I also wonder about mobile/portable where the rig is in the
parked vehicle but the antenna is a dipole, V, or other
external ground-pole mounted antenna cabled back to the
K4SAV wrote:
> You definitely need surge protection on your home antennas, not
> necessarily for precipitation static, but for lightning strikes. It is
> probably an overkill for mobile antennas. I base that conclusion from
> having spent many years operating in central Florida, which included
> several close lightning strikes, and I have never suffered any damage to
> my mobile gear. Although, I suspect with a direct hit everything would
> be toast.
> Jerry
> doc wrote:
>>Given this discussion I have a question of application, if I may?
>>Does the presence of this static, often capable of gathering to
>>a significant potential, suggest that we need surge protection
>>on both base and mobile gear?
Tell the Democrats to Shut Up about Hurricane Katrina.
People are suffering & dying from a natural disaster!
Shame on their selfish partisan attacks on Pres. Bush.
Now is the time to help -- stop the hateful criticism!
Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e
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KD4E =========================================
West Central Florida
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