[TowerTalk] Heavy Tower Delivery
Tom Anderson
WW5L at gte.net
Thu Sep 29 17:37:36 EDT 2005
When my TriEX (now Tashjian) WT51 crankup arrived I had a half dozen
ham friends over and they helped lift it off the truck. The driver did
nothing but stand there and complain how long it was taking us to unload
it. But after Carolina Freight had damaged with a forklift my earlier
tower I wasn't taking any chances and did a thorough inspection and just
told the driver he'd have to wait before I signed anything. In the
earlier tower episode I had to file suit against Carolina Freight to get
them to pay for a new tower. They stated that I had on purpose damaged
it so I could file a claim, when one of their freight handlers on a
freight dock someplace had rammed a forklift into it and sprung several
welds. Thank goodness for ARRL volunteer counsels like K5LP.
Carolina at least did call a day in advance before delivery as they said
I had to have enough people here because their driver would do nothing
to help.
Tom, WW5L
Steve - Jax wrote:
>Im interested in buying a US Tower or Tasijan tower but can't figure out how to get it off the truck when it shows up. Do they let you know when the truck will arrive? How do i get it ( 600-800 pounds) off the truck if its just me and the driver? Appreciate any comment
>Steve W9HA
>See: http://www.mscomputer.com for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless Weather Stations", and lot's more. Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with any questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.
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