[TowerTalk] RFI Radius vs Ant Height

Marc Wullaert ON4MA marc.wullaert3 at pandora.be
Thu Aug 3 04:23:01 EDT 2006

Did you listen on a receiver when you where  in the new house how about qrm
this 60 or 70 houses can make to you  :o(


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pat Barthelow" <aa6eg at hotmail.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 12:17 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] RFI Radius vs Ant Height

> Its been a very long time since I ran an HF KW from a residence.  At a new
> QTH, I am contemplating doing so, using a yagi on a tower, say at 60 ft.
> am now at a fairly dense subdivision, shown here on a google map.
> See:
> Click on:
> I am in the house near the center of the aerial photo;  bounded by Lincoln
> Ave to the West, Springview Drive to the East, South Whitney Blvd to the
> North, and Glacier Drive  to the South.
> The house has a  race track-shaped blue color,  swimming pool in the back
> yard.   Roughly center of the photo.  As you can see, an arbitrary radius
> circle of say 500 ft, ecompasses a large number of houses, perhaps 60 or
> Question is:
> What has others experience been while running KW level HF stations, as to
> typical or maximum distances from your station tower/antenna, to homes
> experiencing objectionable RFI to various home electronics.  If say, 500
> feet, in my case I may irritate 60 or 70 households.  If the RFI affected
> radius is larger, I am in even more trouble with neighbors..
> Raising the antenna from, (small multiband yagi) say, a  modest 40 ft to,
> say 70 feet... will that ameliorate the neighborhood  RFI very much for an
> HF KW?
> Maybe I should think towards building a club/Public Service/Contest
> station at a location near, but out of subdivision
> QRP.....
> Tnx
> 73, DX, de Pat AA6EG aa6eg at hotmail.com;
>                   Skype:  Sparky599
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