[TowerTalk] Climbing belts/harnesses demonstration

Bill Coleman aa4lr at arrl.net
Wed Jun 14 22:10:29 EDT 2006

On Jun 14, 2006, at 10:35 AM, Mike Bragassa wrote:

> 1. Six foot conventional lanyard: 2500# (ouch!)
> 2. Six foot lanyard w/ sewn fold-out layers (shock absorbing): 700#  
> (still
> "ouch")

As ouchy as both these might be, it's still better than the big ouch  
at the bottom of the tower.

> He also mentioned that always someone should be present while the  
> climber is
> working in the tower and have a plan in the event of a fall.

I ALWAYS do this. I always have a spotter who watches my climb and  
can call 911 if I do something stupid.

There was a local ham who did a climb while his wife and kids were  
away from the house. It was a slightly drizzly November day, and he  
was hand-carrying an MFJ antenna analyzer to the top of the tower. No  
telling how high he got, but he lost his grip and fell. When the  
family got back home a couple of hours later, he was already dead. If  
he had gotten immediate medical attention, he may have survived.

My kids and wife often hate the "spotter" duty, but I won't climb  
with out them. Plus, I won't climb in poor conditions, and I am  
always hooked to the tower, even though that slows the climb.

> He demo'd one little gadget, like a reeled-up harness, that you  
> hook ahead
> of your climb that catch's you immediately; with no drop at all;  
> much, I
> think, as a vehicle safety belt does. Gradual  movement around the  
> tower or
> climbing does not set it off; but a "instant thrust" (my words)  
> does; again,
> much like a vehicle safety belt.

Sounds like an Otis-like device. These are used to prevent elevators  
from falling.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
             -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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