[TowerTalk] re Radials

Bill Coleman aa4lr at arrl.net
Fri Jun 16 21:02:57 EDT 2006

On Jun 16, 2006, at 10:54 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

> Unfortunately, most
> of us do not have the ability to put up 120' towers with yagis for
> 80 ... and 250' towers with yagis for 160 meters.

Those figures seem big, but this is less than 1/2 wavelength high.  
It's like putting a 10m monobander at 15 feet!

I've never heard of anyone with a 160m yagi at 500 feet. There's a  
couple of guys who come close to having an 80m yagi at 240 feet.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
             -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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