[TowerTalk] Decision: T8 or T11?
hasan schiers
schiers at netins.net
Mon Mar 27 11:27:01 EST 2006
I also used a T-10 for years at 72' and it was an outstanding performer.
When I moved to a new qth with a much less capable tower, I dropped to a T-6
and have been surprised how well it works. I'm a big fan of Tennadyne
antennas. As far as the T-11...if the tower will tolerate the extra wind
loading (and rotor...the Alliance is not a great rotor by any means), I'd go
with the T-11 if you like 6m. It doesn't take much to get success on 6m
...I'm now using a Moxon Rectangle at 18' and work plenty of aurora with it,
not to mention sporadic E (which is a strong signal mode anyway), all with
100w out.
...hasan, N0AN
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Anderson" <WW5L at gte.net>
To: "Mark Adams, PE" <msadams at buffalo.edu>
Cc: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Decision: T8 or T11?
> Mark:
> Have you e-mailed Roger at Tennadyne tennadyne at tennadyne.com. He or
> Chuck KA1PM (the former owner) <chazzo at ktc.com> can give you some really
> good advice. I've talked to several hams who have the T8 and they tell
> me they're using it on 6m with no decrease in performance even though
> its not cut for it. The T11 is a T8 with 3 elements for 6m is what
> Chuck the former owner told me.
> I opted for the T10 and have been well pleased with it, it beats the
> heck out of the triband 3 element beam I had before. I worked K7C and
> 3Y0X on 20 barefoot with a Kenwood TS 430S and the T10 is FLAT on all
> bands all the way across, CW or phone portions. The 3Y0X op, 2 calls, I
> worked could not believe I was barefoot at the time I worked him.
> My T10, which my XYL CHeryl (WY5H) bought for my birthday a couple yeas
> ago) is at 50 ft. on a TriEx W51 crankup. I can only say great and
> positive things about Tennadyne and I'm one of the world's worst
> procrastinators.
> 73 de
> Tom, WW5L / V31EF / 7P8TA (with a T6) / G0-WW5L / guest op at KH6BB /
> and soon to be C91TA with a T8 at 50 feet from Mozambique at the end of
> June and first two weeks of July. Listen for me. Even with low
> sunspots I expect to put lots of stateside calls in the log with the T8.
> Mark Adams, msadams at buffalo.edu PE wrote:
>>Hi Gang,
>>My TX-455 is up and only supporting a dipole. Plan was to go with a new
>>multiband beam, a Tennadyne T8 or T11. I have a Hy-Gain 64 DX along with
>>an FO-12 from previous QTH. The Hy-Gain was up for 8 years and it worked
>>There seem to be 2 obvious options given I'll be using an Alliance HD73
>>and a 12' 6061-T6 mast, 2" OD x 1/4" wall. (Yes, I've done load calcs to
>>make sure it will not break. Both options have very good safety factors.)
>>#1 Buy a T11. Have 20-6 w/o need for the Hy-Gain. The spare mast space
>>could go to my 2M FO-12.
>>#2 Buy a T8 and put the Hy-Gain 5' above the T8. Loading above this
>>level is an issue, so 2m would need to be a pair of Par Omnis to keep
>>the wind load very low.
>>What I've not been able to determine is just how well the T11 plays on
>>6m. Seems to be about the least popular of the Tennadyne beams.
>>Best regards,
>>Mark/ K2QO
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