[TowerTalk] quick disconnect PL259

Paul Kelley N1BUG paul.kelley.n1bug at gmail.com
Sat Oct 21 07:47:00 EDT 2006

FWIW I have had some of those push-on PL259 adapters in service for 
25 years and have yet to experience a problem at HF. I have run 1500 
watts through them for extended periods CW/SSB. I like to use them 
in places where I can barely get my hand into and can't see what I'm 
doing -- my shack is space challenged.

I once melted one with 1 kW at 144 MHz, but what do you expect from 
a nickel plated, plastic insulated thingie at VHF!?

I have seen some that were designed to install directly on a cable 
end (not the adapter type) for RG-58, but not larger cables. Mine 
are all the adapter type.

Paul N1BUG

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