[TowerTalk] tower in the woods

Jim Jarvis jimjarvis at verizon.net
Thu Oct 26 04:35:01 EDT 2006

On Tue, 10 Oct 2006, K3GM wrote:

 > As far as a tall pine falling into the tower
 > or onto a guy, I'm going to take my chances.  In the years I've been here
 > (6) and nothing like that has occured.  Some of these are old growth
 > that would still be growing long after my remains are scattered among
 > so it seems a shame to cut them down to satisfy a fleeting moment during
 > their lifetime.

and K6VVA replied:

Umh, remember that "stuff" happens.

Several months ago I had two 45ft "old growth" pine trees come crashing
down several weeks apart. <snip> You might want to rethink your position
on the pine trees!  RIck, K6VVA

To which I will append:

In VT, we had a virgin stand of timber, which included 90' oaks, 70'
maples, and various pines, some of which were 140' or more high.
The latter shed branches, rather than falling.  Some of these branches
were 6" in diameter and 30' long, and buried themselves 3-4' in the
ground when they landed butt first.  (most did).

Like Rick, who had two close calls, we had a few.

In the end, it was a mighty oak that was blown over in a storm,
and fell across one guyset to wipe out my 100' ab621.


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