[TowerTalk] [Boatanchors] Base for tower

Al Parker anchor at ec.rr.com
Fri Sep 29 20:35:43 EDT 2006

Gene, et al,
    I know this won't go to several groups that you've posted to, but
maybe it should.
    I've said this before to others, and will repeat it now -
    You're messing with safety, yours, maybe your neighbors, maybe
innocent bystanders.  Maybe not this month or year, but it could be
sometime in the future.  Weather, etc., can cause some severe stresses
that could cause improper installations to fail.
    Get in touch with a local registered Professional Engineer and have
him evaluate your situation.   Ask your local Building Inspector dept.,
the folks who issue building permits, if they'll recommend someone if you
don't know anyone else.  They know best about your local soil conditions
and what it will take to do the job.  It'll cost you a few $ but you'll
get a proper installation if you follow his recommendations and you can
rest easy.  You'll need the specs on the tower, which you have, plus the
wind load area info on the beam and whatever else you plan to put up
    I've been thru the process, and I am a Professional Engineer
    Please think "Safety".
Al, W8UT
New Bern, NC
BoatAnchors appreciated here

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "WØQFC" <erastber at tampabay.rr.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Cc: <boatanchors at mailman.qth.net>; <FLBOATANCHORS at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 11:52 AM
Subject: [Boatanchors] Base for tower

> I need the collective opinion of the group on what would be the best and
> easiest way to mount my tower.
> The tower is either a model RBS-50 or a RBX-50 made by EZ-WAY. (Both
> are similar according to the catalog sheet).
> The mounting post I have is for surface mount and not the so called
> Post" that is put into the ground.
> The work involved with pouring the required concrete base of 2-1/2 yards
> would be very difficult for my location. The tower will go in the back
> which is about 150' from the street and approximately 20' higher in
> elevation (Too much work to 'barrow' the stuff up the hill).
> So, now the question is would it be adequate to use the Wonder Post type
> mounting; I can make my existing post into a WP by using a 4" dia. steel
> pipe inserted into my existing post, with the appropriate fins welded on
> bottom.
> The biggest concern that I have is the soil (Really just sand) that we
> here in Florida.
> A few years ago, I had a similar type tower that was about 35' extended
> used the WP and it was up with a TA-33JR for 3 years with no problems.
> The 'new' tower will have a 6 and a 2 meter beam and one end of a long
> So, what say all the tower guys?
> BTW, I have the complete spec sheets on the tower is someone wants to
> at them.
> Your help will be greatly appreciated.
> Best 73 to all.....
> Gene, WØQFC
> Spring Hill, Florida
> http://www.w0qfc.com
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