[TowerTalk] Nanaboshi

Roger Kissel kc8hz at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 6 21:10:24 EDT 2007

I saw that you are (were) looking for a nanaboshi connector. Long story 
short, I was too. for my KenPro rotor. I found the Ohio distributor for 
their connectors and got what I needed in a onesy-twosey batch. I ended up 
ordering 2 male and 2 female so I could take the rotor out of the tower and 
test it at the ground. The connectors cost me abot 12 bucks each.

Kinetic Technologies of Ohio
PO Box 447
190 North Mill Street
Milford Center, OH 43045-0447
Phone 	937-349-7361
In Ohio Call: 800-569-1334

Glenford Ohio

ol 51, Issue 76
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 13:40:34 -0400
From: Joe Giacobello <k2xx at swva.net>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotor Cable Plug (Nanaboshi NJC-207-PF )
To: w9ae at amsat.org
Cc: towertalk at contesting.com
Message-ID: <46080592.6030109 at swva.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Wayne, I am an owner of a Yaesu rotor that uses a Nanaboshi NJC-207-PF
plug.  In searching the web, I came up with some of your correspondence
which suggests that you had identified a supplier
(http://www.aip-usa.com/ ) of these plugs at a reasonable cost here in
the USA and were putting together a group to order the supplier's
minimum quantity (50?).  I wonder whether you did successfully place
such an order and if you or others have any available for sale?

There are several Yaesu rotor owners on the TowerTalk mailing list who
would be interested in purchasing these plugs in order to have spares.

Please let us know your experiences and where these plugs might be
available at a reasonable cost.

73, Joe

Kinetic Technologies of Ohio
PO Box 447
190 North Mill Street
Milford Center, OH 43045-0447
	Ohio Map

In Ohio Call: 800-569-1334

The average US Credit Score is 675. The cost to see yours: $0 by Experian. 

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