[TowerTalk] 135deg cable

NPAlex at aol.com NPAlex at aol.com
Tue Apr 17 07:36:24 EDT 2007

Two methods, determine what length a 1/4 wave (90 deg) @ 7mHz is, and then 
add one half that value for the total length ( 90 deg. + 45 deg= 135 deg).  Or 
measure at 2X the 40m frequency (20m), and in that case a 135deg line at 40m 
will look like a 270deg or 3/4w line at 14 mHz.  
Norm W4QN

Hi TT'ians

I got my 3 vertical array up and running Sunday and it seems to be working 
pretty slick, switchable in 6 directions.

I am using a 1/4 wave phasing line.   I have misplaced my ON4UN Low Band 
DX'ing book (anyone got one for sale) here, but I seem to remember that a 
135 degree phasing line would be better.

What I was wondering, can I measure the 135 degree line with my MFJ 259B 
just like I measured the 1/4 wave line?  Will I get the same reading, being 
it is a 1/4 wave on the end of a 1/2 line.

Or, what frequency is a 135 degree line for 40 meters a quarter wave for? 
That would make it simple to figure out.  Thanks and 73

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