[TowerTalk] Soldering flex-weave

Martin Ewing AA6E aa6e at ewing.homedns.org
Sat Dec 29 00:40:09 EST 2007

Jim Brown wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 16:07:02 -0500, Martin Ewing AA6E wrote:
>> The problem is that the copper is 
>> weathered pretty well by now, and it can't be soldered as it is. 
> Flexweave has more serious problems than solderability after aging. 
> It doesn't age well at all -- that corrosion you've experienced also 
> weakens the copper, and eventually it will wear and break, and your 
> antenna will fall. I first used FlexWeave about four years ago. The 
> first antenna lasted under a year. Every antenna I built with it has 
> broken. Each time, I've had to put major effort (and in two cases, 
> major dollars) into replacing them. 
> Flexweave is a DISASTER READY TO HAPPEN for any antenna with 
> signficant mechanical stress. It SEEMS like a good idea, but it 
> isn't. Stick to POC (plain ordinary copper) from your local hardware 
> store. THHN makes great antenna wire. 
> 73,
> Jim Brown K9YC
Jim -

I would tend to agree with you now, but my antennas are already up, and 
have been for about 3 years now.  I only had one failure - that was due 
to abrasion against a tree branch.  Kinks (they do occur!) and abrasion 
are death to flexweave.

73 Martin AA6E

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