[TowerTalk] Soldering flex-weave
wa3gin at comcast.net
Sat Dec 29 10:27:35 EST 2007
If my memory serves me correctly FLEX-weave came out due to a demand for
temporary HF wire antennas needed for Field Day, Civil Defense exercises,
etc. where HF dipoles were used for a few hours or days and then packed up
for the next event or exercise. I don't think it was ever intended for
semi-perminent or perminent installations other than in protected areas like
attics, etc.
It attracked a lot of attention because it was easy to pack-up and
re-deploy, unlike solid copper or stranded copper wire which doesn't re-pack
nearly as easily. Our club loved the flex stuff when it came out...made
Field Day set-up a breeze.
For perminent installations we use a wire product from RF Connections in
Rockville, Md. It comes in 14 and 12 guage stranded hard copper with a tuff
PVC coating. Designed to last a long long time.
>>> The problem is that the copper is
>>> weathered pretty well by now, and it can't be soldered as it is...
>> 73,
>> Jim Brown K9YC
> Jim -
> I would tend to agree with you now, but my antennas are already up, and
> have been for about 3 years now. I only had one failure - that was due
> to abrasion against a tree branch. Kinks (they do occur!) and abrasion
> are death to flexweave.
> 73 Martin AA6E
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