[TowerTalk] step away from stepIR

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 12 19:29:33 EDT 2007

Real interesting comments from everyone in response to my questions--thanks. 
  Yes I assumed some sort of balun would be used--I made no mention of it 
because it is a standard part of yagi design usually so I figured its 
inclusion was generally understood.   Someone wrote that the f/p Z doesn't 
matter--the whole point is to have 1:1 vswr at the tx--I laughed when I read 
that--it sounded like a justification for a big resistor at the tx (just 
kidding).  Anyway, if low vswr were the only consideration I'd suggest a 
regular yagi paired with a remote controlled feedline transmatch up on the 
tower, however the ability to perform a 180 degree flip and bi-directional 
operation are unique advantages.


rob / k5uj

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