[TowerTalk] qrounded antenna desgin question

Stone, Gary R. Gary.Stone at va.gov
Tue May 1 13:52:55 EDT 2007



I have been using the Cushcraft 8 element log for awhile (about 1 month)
- see eham reviews (ASL2010) if interested.


My question:  This log is a 'grounded' design it seems.  The back
(longest) element is grounded to the boom which is of course grounded to
the mast / tower.  The other 7 elements are insulated from the boom but
of course connected to the back element.  My observation so far is that
it seems a bit less noisy than the few yagi antennas I have used.   Is
that because of the 'grounded' design?  Will this also be a little help
with static crashes and perhaps even lightning?  Are most Log Periodic
antennas designed like this?


My Yagi antennas have always had at least the driven element insulated
from the boom and some of them have had all elements insulated from the


Gary, N5PHT



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