[TowerTalk] Insulator Placement Clarification

Cqtestk4xs at aol.com Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
Tue Sep 4 20:42:25 EDT 2007

In a message dated 9/5/2007 12:29:51 A.M. Greenwich Standard Time,  
donovanf at starpower.net writes:

If  you're willing to sacrifice performance, you can try using no insulators 
at  all, but YMMV...  Many hams who've made a major capital and labor  
investment in a tower and antennas prefer to take the least risky, highest  
electrical performance approach and go with Phillystran or  fiberglas.

I'm with Frank on this.  By the time you start buying 502s (around $6  each), 
guy grips (around $6 each) there isn't a whole lot of  difference in cost, 
especially if you have a short tower.  I have used  Philly from the 80s and also 
did the Polyrod fiberglass thing.  I am not a  big fan of the Polyrod since 
it started getting "fuzzy" real quick in  the Florida sun.  It is a lot cheaper 
though.  The catch on  Polyrod is you have to put in a BIG order (usually a 
group thing)
The Philly I am putting up on my tower out here in KH6 is from the 80s  and 
early 90s, and other than some surface rust on the potting connectors, is  
still in excellent shape.  I highly recommend the Phillystran  route.
Bill K4XS/KH7XS 

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