[TowerTalk] Where to find-rent buck truck?

W4LDE-Ron w4lde at cfl.rr.com
Tue Apr 15 12:41:16 EDT 2008

Need some advice, had the local club scheduled to help get down my tower 
and tribander with the thought of donating it to the club.
Rohn 25g 40ft, HamM-V rotor, CD-44 Rotor and a TA-32 plus a second TA-33 
thats performed very well with over 250 DX countries.

Had a closing on this home yesterday and now I am a renter until the end 
of the month, then a new home SW of Atlanta

Unfortunately the club has had to cancel due to illness of the climber, 
I would go up but the XYL doesn't want this vintage 65 year old up on 
the tower.
Last time up was two years ago after the Hurricanes hit FL.  New guy 
wires and rotor positioning was needed.

SO - I need to get a buck truck or lift of some kind and I don't know 
where to start.  Any ideas?  I am going to start with the local yellow 
pages and maybe AES which has a local store can give me some ideas.

Any ideas where to start is appreciated.  Have a new SteppIR at the new 
QTH waiting for me.

73 de

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