[TowerTalk] Good news for a change

Tearlach Sinclair dragonsong at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 12 18:53:45 EDT 2008

When I went to the city here in Menominee, Mi. to talk about towers
 and heights, I was given a straight forward answer. Since I am on the
 edge of the flight path of the local airport, the highest that anything
 can be in the sky is 65 feet. That means that tower, mast, antenna,
 bird on the top of the antenna all have to be at 65 feet or lower.
    I was impressed and pleased with this response. No bull, no wiggle
 room, just a straight answer to a straight question.
    Tearlach de w8sco

    Greetings TowerTalkians =
    Good news and bad news:
           The Good News...  my city allows towers and
            antennas, and there are NO PERMITS and
            NO INSPECTIONS !!
           The Bad News is there is a limit of 55 feet.
    Fortunately, that suits my plans and my budget,   so I do not
    have to fight City Hall to get permission go higher.
    At least not yet...
    So... up to a height of 55 feet, it is, essentially, unregulated.

- Ignored:
    Cool, eh?   Can ya dig it?    Unbelievable.
             [I figure you guys might understand my glee...picture me
               giggling a dirty-old-man-kind-of-laugh under my breath
               day like I know a dirty little secret no else knows...
    ===========  Richards  -- K8JHR ================

There's nae man sae deif as he tha' winna hear.

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