[TowerTalk] De-soldering old, & Sold'g New, Flex-Weave, etc. Tips by DAVIS RF Co.

Doug Renwick ve5ra at sasktel.net
Thu Feb 7 17:22:49 EST 2008

Let's think about this a bit more.  Muriatic acid, Hydrochloric acid of
around 20 Baume strength - in my experience it takes less than 1 minute
soaking not 10 minutes.  I also would highly recommend rinsing the
acidized wire(s) with water before doing anything else - why splatter
acid around your work area with a wire brush?


Soak the end of the wire that you are cleaning in the acid for about 10
minutes and then use a small wire brush to brush the area you want
clean.  Go in one direction:  toward the end of the wire, with the
brush.  The oxidation on the fine wires will come off.  Dip it back in
the acid a few times after brushing it, swish in hot water then wipe it
by pulling it through a rag.  Allow to dry for about an hour, or set it
in the flow of a muffin fan, or use a hair dryer.  Then final form it
with your fingers and tin it with your iron or gun.

Tnx, 73,  Steve Davis   K1PEK   DAVIS RF Co.

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