[TowerTalk] rotor control cable and the bulkhead....?

Alan NV8A nv8a at att.net
Mon Jul 7 18:34:49 EDT 2008

On 07/07/08 09:27 pm Alfred Frugoli wrote:

> Chas,
> K5FD also makes a 12 line surge suppressor that is also fused and has
> filters for RFI.
> http://k5fd.com/surge.html
> After the surge suppressor, the lines could simply come through a grommet in
> the bulkhead.

Assuming they work as well as the Polyphaser units made for rotor 
control wires -- which is what I used for my SteppIR control wires -- 
they would have been a far cheaper and perhaps more compact solution.


Alan NV8A

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