[TowerTalk] Tower regulatory climate in Fort Collins - Loveland, CO area
Alfred Frugoli
alfred.frugoli at gmail.com
Fri Jul 18 06:10:42 EDT 2008
Before the lawyer, or Realtor or any other expense, I'd spend $50 on Antenna
Zoning for the Radio Amateur by Fred Hopengarten, K1VR ((
This book covers everything from zoning to CC&R's and everything you need to
know. It's written by a ham and lawyer and well worth the $50 it costs. It
gives some of the same advice already passed out here, but also LOTS more.
Armed with the knowledge from the book, your interactions with Realtors,
lawyers, town officials and neighbors will be much less time consuming (also
less costly), and much more fun.
Also, when I moved several years ago, I got in touch with the local clubs in
the area I was moving to, and had several recommendations as far as good
Realtors, lawyers, neighborhoods, etc.
Good luck with your move.
73 de Al, KE1FO
Visit my amateur radio contesting blog at ke1fo.wordpress.com.
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 4:32 PM, John Becker <johnb3030 at comcast.net> wrote:
> I'm starting to look into possible relocation to this area. Can anyone
> tell me how easy or difficult it is to find a place to live where I can
> put up a 70' tower? Thanks!
> 73,
> John, K9MM
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